Thursday, 20 March 2014

Understanding the Effect of Marijuana on Human Bodies at Molecular Level

Smoking cannabis has been popular around for quite some time now. So, you ask for – for how long? Well, as long as 2,700 years! Archaeologists have found some sachets that were that old in their excavations. Even though marijuana goes way back into history, it is only recently that more effort is being put into studying them, and this study it appears, has only begun. 

 Medicinal Benefits and Applications

THC has a range of effects that is wide spread, right from psychotropic (getting high) to giving relief from pain. It can easily act as a depressant and a stimulant at the same time. How is it possible for a single molecule to have more than one characteristic? Scientists have conducted various detailed studies on this topic.

The basic thing that you will need to know is that the affects THC has depends on where this chemical interacts with the body.

There are 2 kinds of recognition proteins which are also called receptors, which are:
  • CB1: This is concentrated at the brain. These are receptors which account for the feeling of intoxication that is felt when we smoke pot.
  • CB2: This is the THC receptor that is found all throughout the body in the cells of the immune system.
THC acts on both of these receptors; this is why the drug has not just recreational but medicinal uses as well.

Why Do Cannabis Users Feel Hungry?

Suddenly being engulfed with stinging hunger when about 5000 calories of cannabis is consumed has a purely scientific explanation. This happens because of the CB1 receptors present in the hypothalamus (portion of the brain that takes care of appetite). The body manufactures cannabinoids that are bound to the CB1 receptors which indicate to the brain that the body needs food.

When the body is given THC, the feeling of being hungry is artificially instigated which would make you thing just about ANY food would be good enough. This amazing characteristic is very helpful for cancer patients who have very little desire to eat. The Cannabis seeds of Ministry of Cannabis have proven to be particularly good for medical purposes.

Sounding Strange When High on Cannabis

Ever wondered why people sound coo-coo when they’re high on cannabis? You would be surprised to know that it is because they go through a temporary brain damage. The CB1 receptors are also present in the hippocampus area of the brain, which is in charge of processing spatial navigation and short-term memory. 

This portion of the brain is being over-stimulated when the cannabis smoke is inhaled. The neurons stop functioning properly and this situation actually is very much like brain damage. When people seem to abruptly stop in the middle of the sentence, it does not happen because the person forgot what he/she was saying but happens because the matter was not stored in the brain in the first place.

The Side-Effects Are Not Actually So Bad

The hippocampus is where post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety are connected. This is why marijuana is going to be an effective treatment for certain people.

The ‘Happy’ Feeling Cracked

High levels of THC give rise to Dopamine, which is the molecule released when one is in association of things that make us happy.

Now you see - Cannabis does have a great deal of advantages, and it’s not at all as negative as it is portrayed all over the world. Now a cannabis plant can be ready in 60 days, see at

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